How to Know When to Change Your Oil At Tuffy Bloomington
February 28, 2014
Today in the Tuffy Bloomington auto care blog, were going to talk to Bloomington auto owners about oil change intervals. It seems that as engine technology advances, recommended oil change intervals have gotten longer for Tuffy Bloomington customers. High quality oil in a well-engin... More

Make Your Battery Last
February 20, 2014
Todays report from Tuffy Bloomington is on car batteries, why they die and what we can do to lengthen their life. Most of us have had a dead battery at one time or another. In fact, it would be very unusual if you hadnt. You may be surprised to learn that only 30 percent of Bloomingt... More

Smooth Shifting in Bloomington Illinois: Transmission Service
February 14, 2014
So you have some exciting plans for the Illinois weekend. Youre going to take some of your Bloomington, Illinois friends out on the boat for some water skiing. Of course, youve gotten the boat all ready. And you havent forgotten about your tow vehicle. Youve gassed it up and even vac... More

Professional Fuel System Cleaning
February 11, 2014
Getting adequate fuel to your engine is very important for performance, fuel economy and safety. In order to accomplish this, your fuel system needs to be clean. Todays production cars have fuel injectors, rather than a carburetor. The injectors need to be cleaned from time to time... More