What Bloomington Customers like About Us at Tuffy Bloomington
March 31, 2019
A big part of the service we provide at Tuffy Bloomington for our Bloomington customers is education. We want you to feel confident with your service decisions. And we're always open to questions from our valued Bloomington area customers. Even though we try to be proactive in our Tuffy Bloomingt... More

Combustion Choreography: Timing Belt Replacement at Tuffy Bloomington in Bloomington
March 24, 2019
Have you ever seen a ballet performance? Have you wondered how all of those dancers manage to travel all over the stage jumping and twirling and never crash into each other? That's the job of a choreographer.Our auto engines are also highly choreographed. Pistons travel up and down inside cylinde... More

Introduction to Diesels for Bloomington, Illinois
March 17, 2019
Something you're going to be hearing a lot about around Bloomington, Illinois, is diesel engines. We're not talking about semi-trucks and buses; we're talking about diesel engine cars, pick-ups and SUVs.Most people in Illinois are surprised to learn that around half the cars on the road in Europe... More

The Engine Gets a Boost (Turbocharged Engine Maintenance)
March 10, 2019
If someone told you that your vehicle could have the same power but with a smaller engine, wouldn't that sound like great idea? Just think, a smaller engine would save you money at the gas station and you'd still get the same horsepower. The technology to do just that has been around for a long t... More

When "Oh, no!" Turns Into, "All right!"
March 3, 2019
Things we don't expect happen to our vehicles. And let's face, no one really wants to spend money on an unexpected repair. But if you are putting off going to your vehicle repair facility because you're dreading bad news, you might just be putting off some good news. There was one minivan driver ... More