Archives for Nov 2022

Oil's Well That Ends Well (Oil Change Grades and Weight)

November 27, 2022

Changing your oil regularly is one of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running well. And knowing the right type of oil to use is also very important. Engine oil is classified by weight, but it doesn't refer to how much the oil would weigh if you put it on a scale. It r... More

Alleviate the Creaks and Squeaks (Chassis Lubrication)

November 20, 2022

If your vehicle creaks and squeaks when you drive down the road, it may mean that some of the metal parts are rubbing against each other and need to be lubricated. Those could be parts of the suspension, steering system and the drivetrain. Years ago, most vehicles had to have their chassis (wha... More

The Little Valve that Could (PCV Valve Replacement)

November 13, 2022

It's easy to get letters like PVC and PCV mixed up. PVC is a plastic that's used in a lot of things, especially plumbing pipes. And PCV is a valve that helps your engine burn off excess fumes rather than having them pollute our atmosphere. PCV stands for positive crankcase ventilation. When y... More

Heat and your Tires (Tire Pressure Monitoring System)

November 6, 2022

With hotter weather and brutal heat waves becoming more common, the pressure in your vehicle's tires goes up. After all, heat causes air to expand, and the air in your tires follows the laws of physics. Overinflated tires can reduce your vehicle's traction, cause a hard, punishing ride and make ... More